Comuníquese con la oficina parroquial al 201-343-6243 para obtener más información sobre cualquiera de nuestros ministerios.
Altar Servers
To be an Altar Server requires a sense of dedication, training and responsibility. It is a wonderful opportunity to serve God and the community in a very special ministry.
The Parish is in need of Altar Servers for all Masses. Children of the parish who have received their First Holy Communion and are interested in being Altar Servers, please contact the Parish Office to register for upcoming training at 201-343-6243.
La Parroquia necesita Monaguillos para servir en todas las misas. Niños y jóvenes de la Parroquia que hayan hecho la Primera Comunión y estén interesados en servir, favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia para inscribirse a los entrenamientos al 201-343-6243.
Baptism Preparation - Preparación para el bautismo
The Deacons spend time with each family that wish to have a child baptized at St. Francis. Class is mandatory for parents and recommended for godparents. Call the parish office to register for both the class and the baptism. Godparents must have a letter from their home parish saying that they are practicing Catholics and have received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) and if married, had the marriage blessed in the Church
Los diáconos pasan tiempo con cada familia que desea bautizar a un niño en San Francisco. La clase es obligatoria para los padres y recomendada para los padrinos. Llame a la oficina parroquial para inscribirse tanto para la clase como para el bautismo. Los padrinos deben tener una carta de su parroquia de origen diciendo que son católicos practicantes y que han recibido los Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Confirmación, Eucaristía) y, si están casados, han bendecido el matrimonio en la Iglesia.
Comite Hispano
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion
Men and women are recommended by the pastor who then invites them to an Archdiocesan approved training session. Each individual is assigned for a particular weekend Mass to share the Body and/or Blood of Christ to the faithful. Some are also trained to take the Eucharist to the sick or homebound. Each minister must be approved by the Cardinal Archbishop and Commissioned to serve in our parish only. Requirements include training, fully initiated into the Church, if married it must be blessed by the Church.
Faith Formation/Religious Education (click on the link below)
Faith Formation
Food Pantry
Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society for Men is a world-wide Confraternity of the Catholic Church, founded to give honor to the Most Sacred Names of God and Jesus and to assist members to grow in holiness and achieve personal salvation. Monthly Mass and Communion at 8:00 on the second Sunday of the month followed by a meeting.
Ed Atwood: President 201-281-6291
Men and women proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture at each Mass, weekends and weekdays. Training is required.
Music Ministry
English and Spanish choirs
Our Lady of the Cloud/Coro Franciscano Virgen de la Nube, Hackensack
Este Coro se a formado con el objetivo de veneración a la Virgen Maria en Advocacion de la Nube.
This group has devotion to Our Lady of the Cloud, patroness of Ecuador and gathers on a regular basis for meetings and prayer.
Find us on Facebook:
Prayer Group/Grupo de Oracion
Los martes por la noche, este grupo se reúne para orar ante el Santísimo Sacramento y luego al salón parroquial para una enseñanza y una oración más carismática.
Tuesday evening this group gathers for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and then to the parish hall for a teaching and more charismatic prayer.
Sacred Heart Ministry
Vocations should be the focus of all of us, but in particular, this group meets on a monthly basis to discuss ways to promote vocations to the priesthood, religious life, deaconate, married life, consecrated life as well as the single vocation. Members are asked to pray daily for vocations and meet weekly before the Blessed Sacrament to pray for vocation.
Secular Franciscans (click for our website)
St. Francis Fraternity meets at St. Francis Parish, 50 Lodi Street, Hackensack, NJ on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Church Hall.
Each month we join as a Secular Franciscan fraternity in a form of Liturgical Prayer--either Mass or the Liturgy of the Hours. We have talks and programs presented by our members, our Spiritual Assistant and various guest speakers. Our Apostolates include collecting hats, scarves and gloves for the homeless in winter, a Baby Shower for Birth Right in the Spring and collecting school supplies for the Southwest Missions in the summer and fall. We also contribute to the St. Francis Food Pantry. Our fraternity sponsors the Apostolate of Prayer for all intentions submitted and the prayer "Rebuild My Church" to inspire those who have left the church to return.
St. Joseph Table Committee
St. Francis Dinner Committee
These men and women minister at each Mass by welcoming people to church, taking up the collection, ushering people to communion, and other needs as asked. No special requirements or age limit, just a willingness to serve. One or two meetings are held throughout the year. Chair: Frank Atwood
Virgin de Fatima Group
Young Adults in Christ (Y.A.C.)
Calling all Young Adults!
Meeting: Church hall at 7:30 PM
Every third Thursday of the month
If you are in your 20’s or 30’s, you are invited to join with others as we share our faith and learn more about what it means to be Catholic today. Meetings are every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30PM in the church hall. For more information please feel free to contact the office
Youth Ministry (click on the lin below)
F.O.C.U.S. Youth Ministry